DEAR HARRIETTE: My boyfriend and I have been dating for four years. For a while, it felt like we were building a life together -- a real future. We dreamed together. Aside from the love we shared as romantic partners, we were both ambitious and helped push each other along in our careers as well. Over time and after much trust was built, we began exploring business ventures together. Like any business, we’ve experienced ups and downs, but overall, I’ve loved the process of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, though, I think my feelings for my partner have changed. Our relationship has become mundane. We are not as romantic or as happy as we used to be. I don’t feel like a priority to him anymore, and he seems a lot less ambitious than he used to be. It feels like we’re different people now and at different stages in our lives, and I’m not sure I see a future for us anymore. The thought of having shared businesses, though, is keeping me from making the hard decision.
I keep ignoring my unhappiness because we are so heavily financially involved. Should I try to make things work, or is it possible to have a platonic business relationship with an ex? -- Turning Point
DEAR TURNING POINT: Check your legal documents to ensure that you know your standing in all of your business ventures. Then talk to your boyfriend. Tell him you do not feel like your romantic relationship is currently working. Find out what he thinks. You may just need a reboot on your relationship. Don’t be too quick to walk away. No matter what, it will take time to talk through your feelings and come to an agreement on the way forward. Let him know where you stand. If you want to stay in business with him but not as his romantic partner, be clear about that. Time will let you know if you can work together under these new conditions.