DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband smokes weed pretty much every day. During the pandemic, he got to the point of smoking all day long from before sunrise until going to sleep. We were all at home then, and it was infuriating to have to smell smoke while I was working in the other room. Fast forward to several years later, and the trend hasn’t changed much. He works intermittently, and I now work from home full time. He still smokes nonstop. No matter what I say, he continues. I have asked him not to smoke during office hours. He balks and tells me I shouldn’t be working at home anyway. He says this is his house, and he can do what he wants. Where are my rights in this? I cannot stand that my house constantly smells like weed. No candle or air freshener takes the smell out, either. What can I do? -- Weed Invasion
DEAR WEED INVASION: You are facing at least two serious issues: addiction and disrespect. Have a serious talk with your husband. Ask him why he smokes so much. Why does he need to smoke before sunrise? What’s going on with him? Tell him how his smoking affects you. Ask him to respect you and your time by not smoking when you are working. Since you live in a shared space, you would like to make mutually agreed-upon hours for certain activities, especially smoking. Reiterate that this is important to you, and it feels blatantly disrespectful when he ignores you.
Know, however, that he may not be able to stop. While some say that weed is not addictive, his behavior says otherwise. You may have to decide what you will do if he won’t stop.