DEAR HARRIETTE: I am trying to work on becoming less bothered by the small things in life. I take things personally, whether they are big or small, and I let them ruin my whole day. For instance, if someone makes a harmless joke at my expense or if I receive minor criticism at work, I dwell on it for hours, sometimes even days. Even when I know deep down that the comment wasn’t meant to be hurtful, I can’t help but feel slighted or embarrassed. I replay conversations in my head, wondering if I said the wrong thing or if people are judging me. It’s exhausting to constantly feel like I have to prove myself or read between the lines of everything people say.
I admire people who can brush things off and not take life so seriously, but I don’t know how to get to that point myself. I want to be more easygoing and confident, but no matter how much I tell myself to “let it go,” I still feel a knot in my stomach when I think about certain moments. How can I stop overanalyzing every little thing, take things less personally and start enjoying life without feeling so weighed down by my emotions? -- Sensitive
DEAR SENSITIVE: At least you know that you are having an extreme reaction to the way people engage with you; that’s a step in the right direction. Now might be the time to count your blessings. Write down what’s good about you. What are your positive qualities? When you receive compliments, what do people say? Pay attention. Even if you think you don’t get any thanks or praise, I believe you do. Now is the time to notice it. Pump yourself up by acknowledging the good in you.
For anything that you need to take to heart and work on, do it. Instead of dwelling on a whole list of shortcomings, focus on one thing at a time that you can improve, and continue to recite your list of accomplishments to help balance out the negative thoughts. Read the book “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. One of the agreements is not to take things personally.