DEAR DR. NERDLOVE: I have a bit of an odd question; I want to share a situation and get a third party perspective on it too see if there were red flags or if I was just being a little too jaded.
Bit of background I was in a (for me) very serious relationship with someone I loved deeply, and they dumped me last November, I took a lot of time to get myself healthy and good and joined the dating pool again this summer looking for something casual and low key. After some chatting and first dates that didn’t go anywhere, I start talking with Jon. He’s flirty and fun over text, a little intense with asking a lot of questions about what I like and don’t like, but English isn’t his first language, so I give him a little grace.
Side note, trying to sext with someone who learned English a bit later in life can get wild and not in a good way lol.
After a week of texting and him bringing up meeting in person I let him know I’m interested, and let’s find a coffee shop or park or something to meet at first. He suggests his house. I let him know that I need to meet in public first, and add in a bit of humor with “so you know I’m not a serial killer before we head back to your place”. He changes the subject, and we keep chatting. Couple days later he wants to talk on the phone, and again brings up me coming over, this time asking, “do you REALLY want to meet in public first?” And I say yes, then get off the phone because I hate talking on the phone.
I also start to notice that while I’m sending him pictures, he never sends any back and makes excuses when I ask for them, so I let him know that I want to TRADE photos not just give them, and try to turn it into a sexy game. When he sends me a pic of him in a state of undress I’ll match it. Sounds hot to me. I don’t get any photos, so I stop sending them, I give him another 2 weeks but all I get is some casual “how are you?” And “it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, I’m horny” so finally I wash my hands of the whole mess and end things (even though they never really started).
I’m 37 and don’t have time for the sort of nonsense I think he was doing. Sorry this got so long. So after reading that whole mess, were there actual red flags or is my calibration off?
Thanks for your help!
Red Flags Look Like A Parade When You’re Color Blind
DEAR RED FLAGS LOOK LIKE A PARADE WHEN YOU’RE COLOR BLIND: I’m going to start off by saying that these sound less like red flags and more like pink one. What you describe here doesn’t sound like you were picking up on signs that something was off or wrong or that you would otherwise be in danger. But that doesn’t mean that you weren’t getting a vibe from him that made you feel less than comfortable and feeling less secure about meeting up with him.
Part of what makes me hesitant to say yes or no is the language gap; he wasn’t a native speaker and English as a language is notorious for not making a lick of goddamn sense to anyone who comes from a country and culture with a language that isn’t as kleptomaniacal as English. English isn’t a language so much as the grammar of three different languages in a trench coat, but they keep shuffling around and punching each other in the junk as they all fight to be the head instead of the legs while running around and grabbing up all the dropped idioms they find in the street.
It’s certainly possible that his grasp of English – which, as you said, made sexting a challenge and not even a sexy one – was getting in the way of things. Consider, for example, that while the words are basically the same thing, there’s a very significant difference between horsing around and pony play. Or a butt dial and a booty call. Or “I’m sorry Daddy I’ve been naughty” and “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned”.
It’s also possible that there were cultural misunderstandings. It may well be that he assumed that what with pictures being traded and all, that this was a done deal. Asking to meet up in person may have seemed like an extra and unnecessary step, especially to someone who may never have grasped the difference in the risks that men and women face when it comes to meeting a stranger, especially for sex.
But mostly it seems that what he wanted was low-effort sex and getting pictures and wasn’t that interested in anything that slowed those down or giving much back.
So, as I said: I would call these pink flags more than red ones. There’re a few places where maybe wires were crossed and misunderstandings slipped in, or he could just be a garden-variety jackass.
Now to be clear: that doesn’t mean that this was all fine and dandy and you missed out on some quality sex because you need to recalibrate your Spidey-sense. Far from it. Regardless of my thoughts on these particular flags, I think there was enough there that you made the right call to say “yeah, I’m not doing this.” The fact that he seemed to not take your request to meet up in a neutral public place first seriously was more than enough to disqualify him for whatever sexy times you had in mind. The fact that he didn’t seem to grasp that this was just a vibe check before you went back to bang out rather than a “you’re not getting laid the first time we meet” suggests that either he didn’t understand – but didn’t think to ask to clarify things – or that he just wanted the sure thing to also deliver itself to him like he was ordering Uber Eats.
It’s also possible he’s just one of those time-wasters folks run into on dating apps and hook-up sites, who wants to collect pics (and maybe swap a couple) but not meet up. He may have been cool with your showing up on his doorstep wearing nothing but a coat, heels and a smile, but he didn’t have any interest in being proactive about it. Which is, unfortunately, frequently par for the course.
Regardless, even under the most generous interpretation, it sounds like you missed out on what would’ve been lousy sex. Under the worst… maybe there was something rotten in the state of arousal. But while I don’t think you necessarily dodged a bullet, I think you definitely dodged some unsatisfying d--k.
But a thing I want to emphasize here is that just because I think these were pink flags rather than red ones, that doesn’t mean that they weren’t red flags to you. And more to the point, even if there were no red flags, that doesn’t mean that you made the wrong call. Just because someone isn’t tripping your Spidey-sense doesn’t mean that their behavior still can’t be disqualifying. You wanted to meet up in person for a vibe check before you decided to get d--ked down and he clearly didn’t want to. That’s all you really need to say “yeah, nah, we’re not doing this”.
You’re allowed to set standards – for your safety, for your comfort, for your pleasure, even for s--ts and giggles if you feel like it – that your potential partners need to meet. If they don’t meet them, for whatever reason, you’re allowed to decide that this is a deal breaker. You can decide to call it off because you had a bad dream about him that you couldn’t shake. You are allowed, at any point, to decide that you don’t want to see him or his junk, for any reason, no matter how arbitrary. Other people may think it’s excessive or stupid or unnecessary but that’s their lookout, not yours. It’s your body, your call, nobody else’s. Other people can have opinions about it, but they don’t get a vote.
So to TL;DR it: I think these were more pink flags than red ones. But even if they were green flags, you’re still allowed to say you’re not feeling it because reasons. And flags or no flags, I think you made the right call for you.
Good luck.
Please send your questions to Dr. NerdLove at his website (; or to his email,