DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My Grandad worked construction for over 40 years. His hearing is for sh#t and he knows it.
My Grandma took him for hearing aids, which aren’t cheap. At first he refused to wear them. Then to shut my grandmother up he started putting them in, but not turning them on. Like we don’t know when he’s playing us!
When he doesn’t use them, especially when he’s around a crowd, you can tell he’s still lost and not able to keep up with what’s being said.
Why doesn’t he get it that they’re for his own good and use them to be more connected to what’s happening around him? --- THEY’RE SWITCHED OFF
DEAR THEY’RE SWITCHED OFF: Your grandfather isn’t the first person to have trouble adjusting to hearing aids. Until the wearer gets used to them, they potentially feel more challenging than the hearing loss they’re meant to correct.
I suggest gently encouraging your grandfather to give his devices a try in less noisy, uncrowded situations such as a park or while watching TV.
Not being bombarded by a lot of sounds would allow him to try out any available adjustments the hearing aids come with. Feeling like he's in control could be key to his being more willing to keep them turned on.