DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: My grandson and his girlfriend have been living together for 11 years. They have two kids, three dogs, a cat, and are living in the second house they bought together.
I asked a lawyer friend of mine if they are in a common law marriage by now, and she told me that there is no common law marriage in our state.
My lawyer friend said they’re nuts not to go ahead and get a license because there are legal and financial benefits to being married.
After all these years why not just get married? --- NOT MARRIED
DEAR NOT MARRIED: As odd as you may find their remaining unmarried, it’s what the couple has apparently decided to do.
After more than 11 years, hopefully your grandson and his girlfriend have explored all the pros and cons ‒ legal and otherwise ‒ of being married versus being cohabitants. Since they seem as if they’re doing fine as they are, my guess is they don’t feel a need to switch things up, at least for now, and your worrying about it isn’t likely to cause them to change their minds.