DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: In mid-December 2023 my dad retired after 25 years in the army. He had this big list of little things he wanted to do. He worked his way through that list and now he is driving himself and my mom crazy with too much energy and nothing to do.
Both my brother and I keep telling them to come and visit us, but he said he did enough traveling when he was still in and wants to stay put.
My mom is very involved with her church, but that’s a no go for my father. She is after him to find some kind of part time or volunteer job, or to at least join a veteran or other social group, but he says he isn’t ready to do that either. So basically, anything that gets suggested gets shot down.
Why is he so stubborn and determined to be bored and then complain about it? --- RETIRED ARMY BRAT
DEAR RETIRED ARMY BRAT: A social worker who specializes in counseling veterans told me that it takes about two years for former service members to adjust to civilian life.
Your dad is just halfway there, and although it might not seem like it to you, by ruling out what he’s sure he doesn’t want to do, he’s at least working through a few options for how he could ultimately spend his retirement, and his grumbling may be part of his process.
It’s hard enough for some people after they retire from the 9-5 routine. Your dad left behind a lifestyle as well as a career, so I say give him some more time to figure things out for himself. Hopefully he’ll get there on his own.