DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: Before my dad even met his fiancée, Sophie, he and my mom were already separated and just waiting for their divorce to go through. He was not even living in our house. But my mom keeps telling people my dad left her and the rest of us for Sophie. She tells people Sophie is a cougar and stuff like that. None of it is true.
I like Sophie a lot. She is only three years older than my dad and works in a middle school as a special ed assistant. She is so good with my little brother, who is on the spectrum, and usually doesn’t do well with new people. And she really clicks with my dad, who is not the most social guy in the world.
Sophie never says bad things about my mom, at least not when I can hear, but my mom is so mean about Sophie every chance she gets, no matter who is around to hear. We have fought over how she is about Sophie, and I have learned not to even bring her up around my mom, which is hard because my mom and I are really close and usually talk about everything.
Should I just let Mom’s trash talk go and continue not mentioning Sophie at all around her, or should I stick up for Sophie, which only gets Mom madder, but would make me feel like I’m doing the right thing? --- I LIKE SOPHIE
DEAR I LIKE SOPHIE: Your mother has certainly put you in an awkward position.
Since Sophie is going to be your stepmother and you clearly appreciate the sort of person she is, I believe it’s not at all inappropriate for you to defend her against your mother’s attacks.
However, nobody benefits from an endless argument. I think you should be prepared to have one last showdown with your mom over her verbally attacking Sophie. You could let her know you don’t intend to change your feelings for either woman, and that you will avoid going out of your way to mention Sophie in front of your mom on the condition that she does the same.