DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: I don’t really care about my roommate hooking up with whoever she wants. But I do hate the fact that almost every weekend I wake up at least one of the mornings to a complete stranger hanging out in the kitchen going through the cabinets looking for food or hogging our one bathroom
It grosses me out that these people I don’t know ‒ and neither does my roommate, really ‒ are using our bathroom, my stuff, and taking away time from me in the kitchen and bathroom.
I always have to keep my bedroom door locked and learned the hard way to not leave anything of mine out in the living room or kitchen because I had stuff disappear after one of her “guests” left.
It gets even weirder when my boyfriend comes to stay with me for the weekend. He finds the whole thing as creepy as I do, and he told my roommate he feels like I am unsafe with the strangers being around.
Other than this one thing, I get along with my roommate really well. She’s a nice girl, but she does not seem to think anything is wrong with having all these people in our home.
I still have another full semester to get through on this lease after the winter break. I don’t think I will renew for next year with her as my roommate, but what do I do for the rest of the time I am stuck in this situation? --- TOO MANY “GUESTS”
DEAR TOO MANY “GUESTS”: I understand your unease. It sounds like you’ve taken precautions to keep your possessions reasonably safe, but I too would be uncomfortable having a steady stream of strangers passing through my home.
You mentioned that your boyfriend has spoken to her, but you need to be the one to have a very serious conversation with your roommate about your entirely reasonable concerns. You pay your share of the rent and are entitled to feel both safe and comfortable in your apartment.
Perhaps you and your roommate could establish some ground rules regarding visitors. For instance, if it’s a weekend your boyfriend’s in town, she would refrain from bringing in her own overnight guests; and should any of those guests use something belonging to you, your roommate becomes responsible for replacing it.