DEAR SOMEONE ELSE’S MOM: With both sets of grandparents retired and living close by, what on earth could have made our daughter and son-in-law hire an au pair?
Up until they told us that was their decision, we had a perfectly working system covering the days both parents were out of the house.
We are all hurt and baffled. --- HURT BY THE CHANGE
DEAR HURT BY THE CHANGE: To avoid having this development turn into a wrench in your relationship with your daughter and son-in-law, I think it’s worth asking them the question you’ve sent my way.
Their decision may not be any kind of reflection on you and your fellow grandparents. The younger couple has their reasons for what they’ve decided to do, among which could be an assumption this is a good thing for the grandparents, a way to free up your days and enable you to enjoy your retirements more fully. But you won’t know if you don’t politely and calmly ask.