DEAR MISS MANNERS: My niece (23 years old) regularly texts during movies. When I was at a movie with her and my partner, I asked her not to text during the movie because it would upset my partner. She said OK and did not text.
My niece later told us that her boyfriend suspected her of cheating on him because she said she was at the movie with her "aunt" but wasn't texting.
In having this discussion, my partner said texting in a theater is rude, period, and went on about it. In my opinion, it is rude to call someone rude to their face. Do you think my partner was rude by calling my niece rude?
GENTLE READER: Yes, and doubly so since your niece did not, at your request, text during the movie you attended together. Miss Manners notes that you, your partner, your niece and your niece's boyfriend are all in agreement that there are some activities that should not be interrupted by texting. We are simply disagreeing over what those are.