DEAR MISS MANNERS: How long should someone wait for a call to be returned?
My friend and I talk frequently on the phone. Lately when I call, I get a text that says, “I’ll call you back.” I thought the returned call would come in a short time, but it is taking longer and longer.
It was taking as long as a week, but now it doesn't come at all and I must call again.
GENTLE READER: Years ago, when Miss Manners pointed out that the telephone was an inherently rude instrument -- demanding that others drop whatever they were doing and attend to it immediately -- nobody listened to her.
And when they all got cellphones, the problem of giving calls preference over those actually present got worse.
But telephone usage is evolving, creating the hope -- or illusion -- that we will arrive at some reasonable understanding. One encouraging sign is that many people consider it wrong to telephone without first texting to set a convenient time to talk. There are also those who prefer to avoid using the telephone for speaking, now that there is a less intrusive way of sending instant messages.
So let’s not jump to condemning your friends by setting rules and deadlines for returning calls. Yours are evidently not quick requests for information, much less emergencies, but rather, friendly chats. It may be that they are too frequent or too long for your friend, or just inconveniently timed.
A more practical rule, then, is to ask people what methods of communication they prefer, and to work out a compromise that respects your own preferences. Perhaps you and your friend could set a regular time to talk, or shift to meeting in person, if that is feasible. Or you could start an old-fashioned written correspondence instead -- although presumably electronically.