DEAR HARRIETTE: My high school-aged daughter is taking an accelerated college class this summer. I am excited for her to stimulate her brain and get some good extra credit on her resume. I am also worried that she isn’t applying herself enough. The class operates at a quick pace. She started out gung ho, but her enthusiasm has dwindled. How can I keep her motivated? This class was expensive, but besides that, it is important for her to excel. -- Keeping Her Motivated
DEAR KEEPING HER MOTIVATED: Sit down with your daughter and establish a work schedule with her. Discuss her responsibilities. Have her explain what she is required to do and what the deadlines are. Help her to create a calendar that includes deadlines for each assignment. She should also add in breaks for relaxing. After she commits to the schedule, tell her you will help her to monitor it. Acknowledge that you know this is a lot of work at an intense pace. Encourage her to have confidence in herself that she can get it done. Be her cheerleader AND enforcer. In this way, you can keep her attitude positive even though it is a grind.
Since the academic schedule was off this past semester for all students due to COVID-19, your daughter probably lost her academic rhythm several months ago, which makes this new class that much more challenging to engage in fully. She can do it. Cheer her on.