DEAR HARRIETTE: I’ve rented a bed space in Manila, Philippines, while pursuing my master’s degree, and I share the space with a roommate. While I appreciate having someone to share the rent, her habit of leaving a mess in our shared bedroom area is becoming unbearable. I am the type of person who always wants to maintain a clean and tidy space -- I admit I have some obsessive-compulsive behaviors. I’ve tried dropping hints, and I’ve even directly asked her to make more of an effort, but nothing seems to change. It’s frustrating because I don’t want to constantly be the one cleaning up after her. I also don’t want to create hostility in our home or cause unnecessary tension between us. I understand that we have different living habits, but I need to find a way to balance our shared responsibilities. -- Roommate Woes
DEAR ROOMMATE WOES: It is absolutely fair for you to sit down with your roommate and remind her that the two of you are sharing this space and that you need her to do her part to keep it tidy. Point out exactly what disturbs you, such as clothing on the floor, dishes unwashed, bed unmade -- whatever your grievances are. Ask her to tend to these things in the moment so that the room stays organized. Know that, ultimately, you will likely have to move out. You can’t pressure or guilt someone into becoming neat. Since you are in school and are focused on improving your life, do your best to create the healthiest, most productive environment for you to be successful. Look for another room to share. If possible, meet the roommate and ask a few questions before you move in.