DEAR HARRIETTE: My roommate and his girlfriend constantly bicker, and I always end up being dragged into the middle of their arguments. It’s frustrating because I feel like I’m being forced to pick sides when I don’t even want to be involved at all. To make matters worse, I can’t help but feel bad for his girlfriend because, frankly, my roommate is wrong most of the time. He’s selfish, dismissive of her feelings and stingy when it comes to sharing expenses or treating her to a nice date. I can tell she’s unhappy with how he treats her, but for some reason, she stays with him.
The other day, my roommate came to me asking for advice about their relationship, and I felt conflicted. On one hand, I want to be honest with him and tell him he’s the problem, but I also don’t want to ruin our friendship by being too blunt. I’ve always tried to stay neutral, and I made a rule for myself not to give people advice about their relationships because it never ends well, but now I feel trapped because I know he’s in the wrong. I feel bad enabling his behavior by saying nothing. Should I stay out of it and abide by my rule, or should I tell him the truth, even if it risks our friendship? -- In the Middle
DEAR IN THE MIDDLE: Do your roommate a solid and talk to him openly. Tell him that you have worked hard to stay out of his relationship as you know it’s none of your business, but since he has repeatedly asked you for advice, you have one thing to offer: You believe that he could treat his girlfriend better. Your observations are that he could be more thoughtful, more generous and kinder. He may appreciate your candor. He may not have had positive role models to help guide him toward loving, supportive behavior, so your insight may prove helpful to him. Tread lightly, though, and be gentle. You are right not to want to be in the middle of his drama.