DEAR HARRIETTE: I have always had a fear of heights, which has made me hesitant to try things that involve being up high. However, one item on my bucket list has been going skydiving in Dubai, and I’m determined to conquer this fear. I know that facing my fear head-on would be a huge personal achievement, but the idea of jumping out of an airplane fills me with anxiety. Despite this, I am committed to pushing myself out of my comfort zone, and I believe that overcoming this fear would help me grow in ways I’ve never imagined.
Still, I am torn between my desire to fulfill this dream and the overwhelming fear that has held me back for so long. I want to make this experience a reality, but I don’t know how to quiet my nerves and embrace the challenge. How can I overcome my fear of heights and take that leap toward something I’ve always wanted to do? -- Fearful Hesitation
DEAR FEARFUL HESITATION: If you are serious about skydiving, this means you must be serious about facing your fear of heights. You might try something more manageable to build up to skydiving, like rock climbing at a gym. There are many gyms and other controlled spaces that offer climbing classes to help people learn how to move up in space carefully and push past their fears.
You might also consider consulting a therapist. Working with a professional can help you unlock whatever fears you may have so that you can face them and potentially neutralize them. I recommend that you take these steps and possibly others -- like going to an observatory at the top of a skyscraper or eating at a restaurant at the top of a tall building -- before going to another country and jumping out of a plane.