DEAR HARRIETTE: I live next door to a family from Guatemala. They are nice enough people, but to tell you the truth, they have too many people coming and going from their house. I bet anything that some of the visitors are undocumented. I can’t imagine that they all have their green cards. There are just too many of them. They are tidy and friendly and all, but still.
I wonder if I should report them to the police. They aren’t disrupting things, but there are too many of them for everything to be on the up-and-up. I know that a lot of Guatemalans do day work here for lawn services and contracting, but I wonder if they pay taxes. It’s all a bit suspicious to me. What should I do? -- Dropping a Dime, Jupiter, Florida
DEAR DROPPING A DIME: It is true that law enforcement wants people to report suspicious behavior, but before you pick up the phone, evaluate your opinion and your motivation. That there are a lot of people visiting your neighbors’ home is not a crime. That they are friendly and tidy -- essentially good neighbors -- should make you relax.
If they are not doing anything that leads you to believe that they are committing a crime, you should mind your business and let them live their lives. Reporting people to the police is serious. It should be done with caution and only when appropriate.