Ask Natalie: Husband’s best friend’s wife is cheating and he wants you to stay out of it?
Ask Natalie: Friend asked you to swing and now everything is uncomfortable?
Ask Natalie: Landlord avoids you and won’t repair issues around the property. What should you do?
Ask Natalie: Had an affair and family won’t forgive you and your now-husband?
Ask Natalie: Friend stuck in a bad relationship and no one can help?
Ask Natalie: Friend married into money and it changed her…can you stay friends?
Ask Natalie: Thought you were friends but left out of engagement party?
Ask Natalie: Friend being pulled in by MGTOW rhetoric?
Ask Natalie: Trying to win over your fiancé’s ex?
Ask Natalie: Husband won’t have sex with you and you feel trapped in your loveless marriage?
Ask Natalie: Planning a friends-only road trip but an obnoxious girlfriend wants to tag along? Stuck in the “Friend Zone” and not sure how to get out?
Ask Natalie: Lost job due to COVID-19 and girlfriend just dumped you because of it? Best friend super clingy and not leaving much room for your boyfriend?
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