Ask Natalie: Got drunk and had a one-night-stand and now being shamed for it?
Ask Natalie: Your second chance at finding love has daughter upset?
Ask Natalie: Should you meet up with an old friend behind your husband’s back?
Ask Natalie: Fiancé can’t afford the ring that you want …now what?
Ask Natalie: Trying to win over your fiancé’s ex?
Ask Natalie: Slept with your sister-in-law and not sure what to do?
Ask Natalie: Put your husband on a waiting list for a vaccine that he doesn’t want?
Ask Natalie: Girlfriend’s drinking problem—and rage texting-causing major issues in your relationship? Boyfriend cheated on you and now wants you back—but the rumor is he is still sleeping around?
Ask Natalie: Mother-in-law opening your mail? Girlfriend ready to leave the country — with or without you?
Ask Natalie: Boyfriend lazy about appearance and romance because of Covid-19? Shared your feelings with someone and not sure why they can’t share theirs in return?
Ask Natalie: Dumped boyfriend but now want him back? Husband cheated on you during Covid-19 and you just want to be alone…but your family has other plans?
Ask Natalie: Lost job due to COVID-19 and girlfriend just dumped you because of it? Best friend super clingy and not leaving much room for your boyfriend?
Ask Natalie: Lost grandfather to Covid-19 and feeling bitter about it? Staying with girlfriend because she threatened to harm herself?
Ask Natalie: New boyfriend acting possessive and you haven’t even met in person yet? Feeling depressed about 2021?
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